2009 - 2011
Groiss SJ, Elben S, Reck C, Voges J, Wojtecki L, Schnitzler A. Local Field Potential Oscillations of the Globus Pallidus in Huntington’s Disease. Movement Disorders 2011; 26(14):2577-2578
Ruge M, Simon T, Suchorska B, Lehrke R, Hamisch C, Körber F, Marrouf M, Treuer H, Berthold F, Sturm V, Voges J. Stereotactic brachytherapy with iodine-125 seeds for the treatment of inoperable low-grade gliomas in children: long-term outcome. J Clin Oncology 2011; 29(31):4151-4159
Ruge M, Kocher M, Maarouf M, Hamisch C, Treuer H, Voges J, Sturm V. Comparison of steretactic brachytherape (125Iodine Seeds) with stereotactic radiosurgery (LINAC) for the treatment of singular cerebral metastases. Strahlenther Onkol 2011; 187:7-14
Ruge MI, Suchorska B, Maarouf M, Runge M, Treuer H, Voges J, Sturm V. Stereotactic 125Iodine brachytherapie fort he treatment of singular brain metastases: closing a gap? Neurosurgery 2011; 68(5):1209-1219
Schmitt FC, Voges J, Büntjen L, Woermann F, Pannek HW, Sklaej M, Heinze HJ, Ebner A. Radiofrequency lesioning for epileptogenic periventriculär nodular heterotopia: a rational approach. Epilepsia 2011; 52(9):e101-e105
Suchorska B, Ruge M, Treuer H, Sturm V, Voges J. Stereotactic brachytherapy of low-grade cerebral glioma after tumor resection. Neuro-Oncology 2011; 13(10):1133-1142
Goplen D, Bougnaud S, Rajcevic, Boe SO, Skaftnesmo KO, Voges J, Enger PO, Wang J, Tysnes BB, Laerum OD, Niclou S, Bjerkvig R. aB-Cystallin Is Elevated in Highly Infiltrative Apoptosis-Resistant Glioblastoma Cells. Am J Pathol 2010; 177(4):1618-1628
Kanowski M, Voges J, Tempelmann C. Delineation of the nucleus centre median by proton density weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 3 T. Neurosurgery 2010; 66:onsE121-onsE123
Voges J, Krauss JK. Neurochirurgische und technische Aspekte der tiefen Hirnstimulation. Nervenarzt 2010; 81:702-710
Büntjen L, Voges J. Spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. Klin Neurophysiol 2009;40:142-148
Guderian S, Schott BH, Richardson-Klavehn A, Düzel E. Medial temporal theta state before an event predicts episodic encoding success in humans. PNAS 2009; 106(13):5365-5370
Kalbe E, Voges J, Weber T, Haarer M, Baudrexel S, Klein JC, Kessler J, Sturm V, Heiss WD, Hilker R. Frontal FDG-PET activity correlates with cognitive outcome after STN-DBS in Parkinson disease. Neurology 2009;72:42-49
Mehrkens JH, Bötzel K, Steude U, Zeitler K, Schnitzler A, Sturm V, Voges J. Long-term efficacy and safety of chronic globus pallidus internus stimulation in different types of primary dystonia. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2009;87:8-17
Reck C, Florin E, Wojtecki L, Krause H, Groiss S, Voges J, Maarouf M, Sturm V, Schnitzler A, Timmermann L. Characterisation of tremor-associated local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease. Eur J Neurosci 2009;29:599-612
Voges J, Kiening K, Krauss JK, Nikkhah G, Vesper J. Neurochirurgische Standards bei tiefer Hirnstimulation. Nervenarzt 2009; 80:666-672
Waerzeggers Y, Monfared P, Viel T, Winkeler A, Voges J, Jacobs AH. Methods to monitor gene therapy with molecular imaging. Methods 2009; 48:146-160